Of Mice and Meteors, Dreams and Conjunctions

The first few weeks of August I usually get a terrible night’s sleep. And that’s because I”m expecting the annual Perseid meteor shower. Meteor showers are best observed after midnight of course.

But this night, my wife’s screaming and a nudge woke me up.

Rustle’s got a mouse! He’s got a mouse!

Re-booting my brain from a deep slumber I groggily sprang from my bed to see what was the matter. Quiet Rustle was jumping on and off the mattress.  I couldn’t find my glasses so, beside my waking brain, everything else was foggy too.

But sure enough, I saw a dark lump protruding from Rustle’s mouth.

I grabbed a paper towel and Rustle. Thanking him profusely for his fine work and gift, I gently removed the seemingly otherwise fine mouse from Rustle’s mouth and staggered outside.

Stumbling barefoot down the driveway in the dark,  I placed the mouse on the grass alongside. The terrified mouse darted off. I happened to glance up and what to my wondering eyes did appear but a stunning  conjunction of Mars and Jupiter.

I was now fully awake, standing in my underwear in the driveway looking at the stars.

On a lovely summer night no less.

In the morning, it would all seem like a dream.

copyright 2024 Christopher Donahue


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