Memorial Day 2024

Memorial Day weekend is drawing to a close. And before the threatening dark clouds give way to a down-burst, I planted my last three tomato plants.  This year I am rolling with eight plants instead of ten.  I’ve mixed in a few peppers and lettuce.

With all the worrisome (understatement) stuff going on in the world it is nice to be out in the yard tending to the garden. The bunnies are back and that makes me happy too.   The adult bunnies are not very wary of me but the tiny new bunnies dart off when I approach/.  They are the cutest and they are about “big” as my hand.

Spring is definitely underway.

A happy and reflective Memorial Day to all!

copyright 2024 Christopher Donahue

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One Response to Memorial Day 2024

  1. Marc says:

    Keep up “the great work”
    and leave that worrisome stuff behind.

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