The Woodchuck

Everything was going tolerably well with the tomato garden this year.

Until, the Woodchuck turned up.

Over the years in our suburban  backyard, we’ve had squirrels, rabbits, raccoons, opossums, chipmunks and skunks. Since the pandemic, there has been a ridiculous amount of bunnies running around which I’ve discussed in other blogs.

But the woodchuck is something else. He or she has denuded all kinds of small plants from eggplants to peppers. And that’s way before the plants were close to harvest. I would put a plant in and the next day when I went to water the plant would be sad looking twigs.

This is a new wrinkle in my yearly gentleman farmer adventures.

I think it best that I adapt to the woodchuck.

I don’t think he or she will be adapting to me!

copyright 2024 Christopher Donahue

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