The Bunnies Brought Me Back

These past few months, I have been battling blog-block.   Though there’s always something to write about, I just haven’t been able to  find the time to sit down and actually write.

This thought came to me the other morning as I was watering my tomatoes. The birds were chirping,the bees were humming in a flowering bush, and my tomatoes were thriving in their little patch.

And then I noticed, what appeared at a distance, to be little potatoes on the lawn. It was strange sight and as I focused I  noticed the darted right into the bushes. They weren’t potatoes at all but little baby bunnies. By my estimation this has to be the third batch of bunnies this year. Then they darted off.

And I thought, someone should blog about this….

copyright 2024 Christopher Donahue

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