Return of The DMBs

Yesterday, some friends and I hiked up Mt. Monadnock in southern New Hampshire. It was a gorgeous Fall day and the mountain was a wonderful vantage from which to enjoy the foliage.

As we chatted on the socially-distanced hike up, we were astonished that the last time we climbed Monadnock was five years ago. At that time, we founded the Dirty Mountain Bastard (DMB) hiking club. And while we had all hiked somewhere and sometime in the intervening years, we were astonished to realize it had been half-a-decade since the DMBs had all assembled for the first time on that mountainside. The Dirty Mountain Bastards are Robert Christian, Denis Fleming, Dax Bayerd-Murray, and myself.

Much has changed in the world in those five-years. And, it is with a grateful heart that I can appreciate all the Dirty Mountain Bastards are still around and healthy enough to go for a hike!

Onward DMBs!!!

copyright 2020 Christopher Donahue

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2 Responses to Return of The DMBs

  1. Dax says:

    It was a wonderful day, Chris, and we won’t let five years lapse again.

    It was nice to hike, but also nice to catch up with a great bunch of guys.

    What other hiking club discusses Proust?

  2. Dax says:

    It was a great day, and we won’t let five years lapse before we do it again.

    Besides being a nice hike, it was wonderful to catch up with a great bunch of guys.

    What other hiking groups discusses Proust?

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