Bee and Flower

One July morning, I saw a bee going into a flower and knew everything was all right with the world.

It was a few days before the Fourth of July, and  I was up early to water my tomato plants before work. Barefoot and wearing a t-shirt and shorts, I made my rounds with my watering can to a patch of tomatoes I planted behind the garage. Even though  it was turning out to be a beautiful day, I was already preoccupied with the worries of work.

That is, until I saw a bee flying into a hosta blossom. The virtual world had made me forget bees pollinate flowers.  I was grateful that while I might have forgotten,  the bees were on the job taking care of business.

And that’s when I knew everything was indeed all right with the world.

Just for that instant.

copyright 2019 Christopher Donahue

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