A Christmas Gift

Every year I look forward to singing Christmas Carols but I have one problem: I have a terrible singing voice. When I sing, dogs bark, children cry, milk curdles and windows crack. It’s that bad. People have told me I should expect to hear from the Chinese Government the next time they need to disperse a crowd from Tienanmen Square. But I digress.

It wasn’t always this way. When I was a little boy I sang like an angel. Or at least no one complained. Back in elementary school, I took music class very seriously. The music teacher would pass out the song books and we’d be singing our hearts out in no time. It’s amazing I remember any of the songs, but all these years later I remember this one quite clearly:

Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat

Please put a penny in the old woman’s hat,

If you haven’t got a penny, a half-penny will do

If you haven’t got a half-penny than God bless you!

It warms my heart to remember that song at after all these years, at Christmas Time. May everyone have happy memories this Holiday season.

And as for my singing, in the interest of Peace on Earth I will be giving everyone the Gift of Silence!

Merry Christmas to ALL!

Copyright 2018 Christopher Donahue

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