Hot August Evening

The sun is setting behind the trees, yet the heat is still an oppressive presence. The neighbor’s lawn mower sputters to a stop. A single engine propeller plane purrs across the sky. A blue-jay calls out harshly. Then, a  different bird calls out with a very pretty call. Someday, I tell myself, I will identify the bird with the pretty call.  It is one of the things on my to-do list.

Over my right shoulder a familiar voice meows in my ear. It is my cat, Quiet Rustle, wanting to get out the window. Without looking, I stop typing on the laptop, put my arms behind my head, and slide the screen up. Quiet Rustle leaps out onto the porch. His brother Felix follows right behind. I type on.

Life is good, for which I am thankful.

And this hot August evening  is beautiful.

copyright 2018 Christopher Donahue

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One Response to Hot August Evening

  1. Jo Hawk says:

    Life sounds very good indeed. Thank you for a lovely story.

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