Can the Cheese Be Far Behind

Roper and Alamo Stone were having coffee. They were sitting at small café like table at the end of a hallway in Stone’s house. At the other end of the hall was a mirror. Roper looked warily at himself in the mirror because he was smart enough, or mad enough, to consider that perhaps he was not the real, reflected body in the glass,  but the reflection itself.

There was a long silence. Roper cleared his throat.

Sooner or later it will be about cheese.

Stone’s eyes narrowed. He was mildly surprised by the comment but simultaneously used to the arcane musings of Roper.

There’s no question the internet has empowered the human intellect in all sorts of ways:  science, social justice, etc… but the internet has also exponentially increased the amount of bullshit and stupidity in the world beyond measure!

Take the resurgence of this flat-earth foolishness. It is inevitable the internet  will next give voice to people who think the moon is made of cheese.

Stone sipped his coffee. There was another long pause. Roper leaned forward and in a hushed and weighty voice asked:

Can the cheese be far behind?

copyright 2017 Christopher Donahue

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