Fireflies and Summer Events

If yesterday is always gone, tomorrow never comes, and it is always only now, why can’t it stay July forever? I say this every year like I am child, wishing for what is immensely pleasurable and I can’t have. The problem is that I am not a child and this situation gets worse every year. Each spin around the sun finds me older  and wishing, again, I could stop time in some wonderful moment. It is also a problem that I don’t experience time like a child– July seemed endless then, followed by an endless August.  By the time school came it felt like some major stage of my life had occurred.  Now the summer just flies by.


Summer is too short, as we painfully experience each year.  I now have a reminder that pops up on my smart phone each around the first of June each year:  Fireflies and Summer Events.  I put it in my calendar last year after I missed  the yearly hatching of fireflies  that magically populate summer evening’s in mid-July.

July is now drawing to a close and I’ve missed a great deal of it due to the pointless responsibilities of adult life.  At least the weather was nice.

Maybe I do still experience life like a child?

Copyright 2016 Magnus Incognito

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