What the Snowman giveth, unfortunately he won’t be taking away.
One of the most powerful winter storms to hit New England is presently buffeting our house. It is friday night and we are nice and cozy and having fun riding out this mega-blizzard. We are well stocked for supplies: food, water, batteries, radios, etc…but our greatest concern is whether the power will go off. We shall see.
Round about now I am beginning to wonder about the wisdom of challenging Old Man Winter about what a lame winter we were having. Apparently, not only does he read this blog but he’s concerned about his reputation. Let me just make this clear for the record…
The Old Man is BACK!
I shoveled a few inches around 1PM. At 5 PM, I fired up my small snow blower and cleaned up probably another three inches of snow. At 8 PM, I stuck my head out into a howling gale of a blizzard and decided to go right back inside. It is so bad out there I have no choice but to wait until morning , or noon tomorrow, to deal with this titanic snowfall. One thing for certain at this point, things won’t be totally cleaned up until monday.
This one is shaping up to be the Storm of the Century, and the last century too.
copyright 2013 Magnus Incognito