For months now, the media has made me terrified of going over the Fiscal Cliff and now it appears that we will indeed be going over this budgetary precipice in a matter of days. No way back.
On the Brightside, at least will all go over together.
Yes, we divided Americans will finally all be united as we hurtle over and plummet down, the ominous and apocalyptic fiscal cliff. Now that I think about it, I have been trying to come up with something we could all do together anyways, so going over the cliff might as well be it.
But obviously, the problem isn’t going over the cliff, it is what will happen when we hit bottom? Just what awaits us down there? The Last Ditch? Or perhaps, shortly after hitting bottom we find we are at The End of the Road?
Maybe I am presumptuous in even thinking we will survive the fall. What if we go over the cliff and find out were at The End of the Line? I don’t know what we will do if it is the End of the Line. Perhaps, I should have taken going over the fiscal cliff more seriously? So many questions. So little time. Unfortunately, I was distracted by the Mayan Calendar-end -of-the world- false-doomsday of last week.
But there is one thing for sure. It will be a softer landing for the wealthy than for the vulnerable in our society. Our elected-class, both democrats and republicans, will all be able to send their kids to good schools, and take vacations, and go on living comfortable lives for their families and friends, no matter how bad the economy will get for everyone else.
When we get to the bottom of the fiscal cliff will we find out one thing for sure: the Buck doesn’t stop there for our execrable elected representatives.
copyright 2012 Magnus Incognito