Borges, Asimov, Ice Cream and Thai Rolls Part I

Several weeks ago, it is hard to tell now whether this is a faded memory or dream, I found myself in a thrift store. It was Friday afternoon and I had decided to surprise my wife by bringing home some Thai food. I was killing some time while I waited for the take-out to be prepared by the restaurant next door.   The thrift-store  had all kinds of second hand stuff: clothes, furniture, dishes, but I was attracted to the used book section.

A slim volume with a familiar cover caught my eye. It was a collection of short stories by the famous Argentine write Jorge Luis Borges. When I was an undergrad I was really impressed with Borges, as well as anyone should be. His short stories were clever, erudite, and in every sense of the word, fantastic. I bought the book for fifty cents, got the Thai food and went home.

Later that evening, I ate a Thai-roll and bowl of ice cream. In moments, the pain in my mid-chest was excruciating. I went to the emergency room and spent a week in the hospital waiting to have surgery. Never mix Thai-rolls and ice cream.

A week later, I was home recuperating. A slim volume with a familiar cover caught my eye. It was a collection of short stories by the famous Argentine write Jorge Luis Borges…

Continued at Borges, Asimov, Ice Cream and Thai Rolls Part I

copyright 2014 Magnus Incognito


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