It is hard to beat laying on the lawn on a warm summer night looking for shooting stars.   And that’s what i was doing last night, a little bit after midnight.   I was continuing a long family tradition of watching the Perseid meteor showers.

The air was warm and still. Crickets were chirping nearby. And the stars were out. I lay back in shorts and a t shirt, barefoot and felt like a kid on summer vacation looking at the stars.

Unfortunately, I didn’t see any shooting stars after twenty minutes and went to bed.   This wasn’t all that surprising considering the peak of the meteor shower was still days away. And the clouds creeping in and light pollution in suburban Boston didn’t help.

But it was still a wonderful summertime experience to savor in the moment. I will keep my vigil up the next few days to see if I can view et a good burst of meteor activity.  The weather report says there might be rain so who know if I will see any.

I will have to keep trying. Good thing I have the week off!

It takes patience to see the Perseids!

copyright 2020 Christopher Donahue

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