Bibliophilia, Bibliomania, and allegedly literate ramblings…Part One

All my life I have loved books and reading. Now that I think of it I probably loved books before I could read.  In the beginning was The Word, but in my earliest beginning there were the pictures, then the words.  This is an example of me rambling.

Two nights ago, I reached a milestone in my life-long love of books.  I reached the half-way mark in my effort to read the entire Encyclopedia Britannica Concise Edition. All 2114 pages of it, one page a day. I started my encyclopedic journey on January 15, 2010. I usually read a page before I go to bed, so that would make it a page a night. Periodically, I read ahead enough so if I take a vacation where carting around a big, ten-pound hard cover book isn’t practical I can take some time off and not fall behind. I really lead an exciting life don’t I?!?!?

Well, yes it is exciting when you reach page 1057 after starting out almost three years ago!   The journey has been a lot of fun and it has been a wonderful pleasure learning all kinds of interesting facts. When I started out my wife wouldn’t let me buy a complete set of the standard Encyclopedia Britannica. Ironically, since I started reading both the standard and compact edition are out of print

The projected end date of my journey is October 30, 2015. I hope I make it. You never know.  There’s not enough time to elaborate on all the trivia, useless and otherwise, that I have learned along the way.  But I can say that the range of human knowledge is indeed, encyclopedic.

 copyright 2012 Magnus Incognito

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