10 Geese and a Diamond

Here’s one from early April that somehow didn’t get posted…

I woke up this morning to find the world outside lightly covered with snow. It was quite a surprise because it’s April, and we are almost  month into spring. It was a pleasant surprise. I wouldn’t quite call it a dusting because the snow didn’t have the consistency of dust. It was heavy wet and heavy.

I got up early and walked with my wife past the baseball field on our way to work. Low hanging grey clouds were thretening and a damp wind was blowing. The snow covered the entire field, but green grass was coming through in spots here and there. The grey clouds, and the white and green of the baseball field made a pretty combination.

Then, out of the clouds came a great honking. A flock of geese was swooping in to land. Being experts, they put on quite a display of precision flying. Half floating, half parachuting with their wings wide open and not flapping, they came relentlessly down and in unison made perfect landings on the snowy-grassy field.

There were ten geese on the baseball diamond. I presume one was the manager.

copyright 2014 Magnus Incognito

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