The Cruelest Month or Not

Is April the cruelest month?

T.S. Eliot thought so. Whether it is or isn’t I am not sure. But I am certain it is National Poetry Month.

I started the month like I do every year, and that’s with my own personal reading of The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales. I usually try it out on people who didn’t hear it last year. Or the year before that…etc..etc…People who have heard it before generally start making themselves scarce around the end of March. I try to do my best rendition of what it is suppose to sound like in Middle English. For all I know it might sound like a version from Middle Earth. Bilbo would be proud.

As for T.S. Eliot’s The Wasteland, I haven’t read it in years, but I started reading it again tonight on line. The poem is alternately profound and inscrutable. Just like I remember it.

Is April the cruelest month?  I’m not sure, but it certainly  has been one of the busiest.

It’s been a struggle to find time to blog!

copyright 2014 Magnus Incognito

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