The Year of the Blog

We are celebrating the one year anniversary of this blog here at

I, Magnus Incognito, of alleged sound mind and body, wish to share with you some of my rambling thoughts on this subject. It seems like just a mere 365 days or so ago I took the leap and decided to start blogging.

Initially, I was against the concept. I thought blogging was nothing more than a virtual vanity press for the wannabe writer. Then, as I matured as a person, I realized I, myself, was a wannabe writer. And the only thing that stopped me was that I was a cheap and didn’t want to pay to have something published by a vanity press. Of course, the internet has made blogging so inexpensive, if not downright free, that everybody could afford to blog. Which gets me to the next problem.

I also looked down on blogging because everybody was doing it. I didn’t want to be like everybody else. After all, the whole cool part about being a writer is that you are a good writer, or a great writer, .  Everybody who dreams of being a writer dreams of being a talented writer. Someone special. Not just some schmoe

Then I matured as a person and said, really, who gives a sh*& about all this pretentious hoohah?

So, I got myself a real down to earth nom de plume, and here I am.

Thanks for reading this!

copyright 2013 Magnus Incognito

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