Did You Think Bubbles Wouldn’t Tell Me?

I write my blog for fun and I have a goal of posting something twice a month. Still, the vagaries of writer’s block can make that a challenge. This month is a prime example. Life and work provided me with plenty of blog-grist but I just couldn’t think of anything to write about.  And that is how writer’s block works: Unexplainable, unforeseeable, intermittent and a mystery. Until the block breaks. Like now.

I was riding the bus this morning,  late for work after a snowstorm. The bus let me off at the subway where I overheard an intriguing snippet from some stranger’s  conversation:

“Did you think Bubbles wouldn’t tell me?”

It sounded ominous. Heavy stuff. The question was spoken by a twenty-something year old woman, bundled in snow- gear and talking on her cell-phone.

Whoever she was speaking to had obviously made the mistake of telling Bubbles. And Bubbles was having none of it. The Bubs passed it on and the woman on the other end of the phone was busted. Her goose was cooked. All because Bubbles spilled the beans. Who knows what chain of events was now set in motion?!?!

I was glad I didn’t hear any more of the conversation. Whatever confidence was divulged I guessed was more about some insipid social scene rather than some high level state secret. Maybe I’m wrong?

But it did remind me of a kid from my neighborhood nicknamed “Bubbles.”

I’ll save that for another bout of writer’s block.

copyright 2019 Christopher Donahue

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