This Wonderful New England Spring

This Wonderful New England Spring compels me to effuse: Another day sick and tired. Another day sick and tired. Another day sick and tired. Another day sick and tired. Another day sick and tired. Another day sick and tired. Another day sick and tired. Another day sick and tired. Another day sick and tired. Another day sick and tired.Another day sick and tired. Another day sick and tired. Another day sick and tired. Another day sick and tired. Another day sick and tired. Another day sick and tired. Another day sick and tired. Another day sick and tired. Another day sick and tired. Another day sick and tired. Another day sick and tired. Another day sick and tired. Another day sick and tired. Another day sick and tired. Another day sick and tired. Another day sick and tired. Another day sick and tired. Another day sick and tired. Another day sick and tired. Another day sick and tired etc..etc…

copyright 2018 Christopher Donahue

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One Response to This Wonderful New England Spring

  1. Dax Bayard-Murray says:

    Hang in there – the Krummholz is calling, my friend!

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