Day of A Thousand Coffees

Note to self: Try not to start a new job the day after the start of Daylight Savings Time (DST).

Yes my fine feathered friends, I started a new job today a mere twenty-eight hours after setting the clocks ahead an hour for DST. Not a good idea. I went to work feeling like I caught the red-eye from the West Coast. The West Coast of Kamchatka. Open-cockpit all the way. Me at the controls.

I started the day FRIED. First day anxiety had me tossing and turning all-the-short-night-long. It is not a good sign when you get up before your cats. Normally ours cats wake us up, but thanks to DST I got up at 6 AM (human/cat body clock time 5AM) and roused the cats who looked at me as if to sleepily say WTF!?!?!

So I started drinking coffee. Lots of coffee.  And espresso.  Which was great. I felt and came across as a hung-over, Alzheimer victim with the shakes.

At some point, I said the hell with it and started telling my new co-workers I just flew in from Kamchatka.

They must have believed it because they are having me back tomorrow.

copyright 2013 Magnus Incognito

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