A Summer’s Drive

Zipping along in my car on a perfect summer day. The sky is an inexpressible blue. Windows down, the smell of pine is invigorating as I drive through the forest. The road is shadow-dappled by the verdant green leaves, and runs like a winding ribbon through the woods, or perhaps like a black-racer snake and the trees are the grass.

The car breaks into the open as the road parallels a small pond. Then it’s back into the forest. A dark, large shadow flashes over the car and is gone in an instant. I smile because I know. Sticking my head out the window into the rush of I look up and just glimpse through the trees an airliner flying low and perpendicular to the road, lining up for final approach.

With perfect synchronicity we race into the open again at a look-out area,  just as the big jet, flying perpendicular to the road, puts gear down and drops below us to land at the airport in the valley.

Eyes back on the road, we again race into the forest.

If only summer could last longer.

copyright 2015 Magnus Incognito

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