The Last Week of Winter

The last week of winter is finally upon us.  Winter still has us in its icy grip, but the calendar says it has to let go sometime.   With each moment, the earth moves inexorably in its orbit around the sun toward the vernal equinox.  Temperatures have to rise sooner or later. The snow is still piled high, the sidewalks treacherous with ice melt that has frozen overnight.  The days are lighter and the snow piles a bit smaller.  It’s still cold, but the arctic chill is only at night.


When fall comes, I reminisce about the summer. But when spring comes, I can’t remember the winter. Like someone waking from fever, I’ll wake up and it will be spring, I’ll banish the aggravations of dealing with snow, snow, and more snow from my mind. I do this once a year.  Every year.  I put winter behind me and forget. Like a bad dream. I’ll forget my rituals for dealing with snowstorms, my hats and gloves and boots.  I’ll put all of that away and out of my mind.

Until we go round in orbit, and winter gets us in its icy grip again!

copyright 2015 Magnus Incognito

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